Tanzania - Peaberry – Javesca Coffee Roasters

Tanzania - Peaberry

Sale price Price $15.00 Regular price

While most coffee cherries contain two half beans, peaberry coffees make up approx. 5% of the total harvest and have one single bean within the cherry.  This provides for unique roast and taste that many come to love!

This coffee is wet processed and sun dried.  It comes from the washing stations in the Southern Highlands (Mbeya) of Tanzania encompassing over 10,000 small farmers having a harvest period from June-August.  The Mbeya region of the Southern Highlands consists of small holder farms that own, on average, 500 trees each.  Many practice subsistence farming methods and all their coffee is handpicked.


FLAVOR NOTES: Bing Cherry, Ginger, and Lime.

PROCESS:  Washed

CERTIFICATION: Rain-forest Alliance

VARIETAL: Typica & Bourbon

**We recommend using whole bean coffee for maximum shelf life, but if you select "Ground" below we will grind orders for standard home drip coffee machines.**